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Born: on 29.01.1973 in Pleven, Bulgaria.
Education: 1993 – 1998 – Department of Ecology and environmental protection, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Biology – Master of ecology; 1999 – 2002 – Department of Botany, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Biology – PhD of Botany; 2004 – Department of Botany and Zoology, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic – Postdoc of Phytocoenology. |
Employment records: 2002-2010: assistant in Department of Ecology and environmental protection, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Biology; 2010 – till today: associate professor in the same place.
Membership in Professional Associations
Membership in Bulgarian Phytocoenological Society, Bulgaria Botanical Society, Balkani Wildlife Society
Language Skills: Bulgarian (native), English and Russian
Some chosen publications:
Tzonev R., Zielinski J. & Tan K. 2003. Cyperus strigosus L. (Cyperaceae), a naturalised species new to Bulgaria. Polish Bot. Journ. 48: 47-49.
Tzonev, R., Dimitrov, M., Chytry, M., Roussakova, V., Dimova, D., Gussev, Ch., Pavlov, D., Vulchev, V., Vitkova, A., Gogoushev, G., Nikolov, I., Borisova, D. & Ganeva, A. 2006. Beech forest communities in Bulgaria. – Phytocoenologia 36(2): 247-279 – 0.67
Bogoev V., Kenarova, A., Traykov, I., Tzonev, R., Tzekova, R., Stoyanova, T., Boteva, S. & Parleva, N. 2010. Natural communities of uranium mining impacted area in the vicinity of the Senokos Village. Second Balkan Conference on Biology, 21-23 May, Plovdiv 50 years University of Plovdiv. BIOTECHNOL. & BIOTECHNOL. EQ. 24/2010/SE
Lyubenova M., Tzonev R. & Pachedjieva, K. 2009. Floristic investigation of Quercus cerris and Quercus frainetto communities in Bulgaria. XI Anniversary Scientific Conference 120 of academic education in Biology. 45 Years Faculty of Biology. BIOTECHNOL. & BIOTECHNOL. EQ. 23/2009/SE
Rousakova V. & Tzonev, R. 2003. Syntaxonomy of the oak forests in the Pleven district (Danube plane in Bulgaria). – Fitosociologia, 40 (1): 23-31.
Tzonev, R. & Dimitrov, D. 2005. Syntaxonomy of the “pseudomaquis” of Greek juniper (Juniperus excelsa M. Bieb.) in Bulgaria and the occurrence of Mediterranean vegetation in SW Bulgaria. – Botanika Chronika 18(1): 269-281.
Tzonev, R., Dimitrov, M.& Roussakova, V. 2005. Dune vegetation of the Bulgarian Black sea coast. Hacquetia, 4/1: 7-32.
Tzonev, R., Roussakova, V. & Dimitrov, M. 2006. Western Pontic steppe vegetation in Bulgaria. – Hacquetia 5(1): 5-23.
Tzonev, R., Lysenko, T., Gussev, Ch. & Zhelev, P. 2008. The halophytic vegetation in South-East Bulgaria and along the Black Sea Coast. – Hacquetia 7(2): 5-31.
Tzonev, R. 2009. Natural and anthropogenic changes in the vegetation of the Bulgarian Coastal Dobrudja. In: Heller, W. & Sallanz, J. /eds./. Die Dobrudscha – ein neuer Grenzraum der EU. Soziookonomische, ethnische, politisch-geographische und okologische Probleme. Sudosteeuropa-Studien, Band 76, Verlag Otto Sagner. Munchen-Berlin: 223-231.
Todorova S. & Tzonev, R. 2010. Bromo moesiacae–Stipetum epilosae – a new association in South-Western Bulgaria. Hacquetia 9 (2): 185–206.
Karakiev, T. & Tzonev R. 2011 Saxifrago ferdinandi–coburgi–Seslerietum actarovii – a new association from Slavianka Mts. Hacquetia 10 (1): 47–71.
Tzonev, R. 2011. The beech forests in Bulgaria – classification, ecology and nature conservation problems. In: Knapp, H. & Fichtner, A. (eds.). Beech forests – Joint Natural Heritige of Europe. Workshop at the International Academy for Nature conservation, Isle of Vilm, October 19-22, 2010, BfN Scripten 297: 137-147.